Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Recipe: Sun-Dried Lettuce

 Sun-dried Lettuce


* Homegrown lettuce
* Lettuce holding receptacle
* 40 degree day in a badly insulated weatherboard house
* Neglilence


1. Pull the lettuce from the garden.   

2. Fail to use the lettuce or place in the fridge. Instead, leave the lettuce in the receptacle on top of the kitchen bench.

3. Lie around in your underpants, eating zooper doopers and whining quietly about how hot it is inside the house. (Optional: Curse the landlord for charging this ludicrous rent for a virtual house-sized sauna. Remember - leaving the house for a shady park or the pool will mean having to put on more clothes and a missed opportunity to whinge pointlessly). 

4. Straddle the fan.

5. Leave the lettuce to set. Or, just ignore the lettuce completely.

6. By the following day, the lettuce should be ready (see below).





  1. OMG Joey - it looks delicious! Can't wait to try it out!

  2. That's an old recipe. I've been using it for years...

  3. Thanks ladies.
    Al, I'd save some for you but I'm not sure it's something that would keep all that well...
    I'm currently working on the salad dressing recipe. Feel free to offer any suggestions.... :)
